Sunday, March 31, 2013

Green Door

Our garage door is the main access to our house. The house had a standard off white door. It was very boring and showed all the dirt from people opening and closing it. I found a nice bright green paint from Lowes and 2 coats later the door had a little more character. I used a small roller which was much easier to work with than a standard roller or brush. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wall Art

Our kitchen/living room is all white and an open floor plan. Rather than paint the large space one color or break it into two, we decided to add decor. We ordered a wall decal from the company Wall Spirit. They had a Groupon available so we jumped on the offer.  You get to customize the size, the color of the tree, and colors of the leaves. 

It is extremely hard to put on a decal this large. You have to keep it flat while trying not to get any bubbles and also smoothing it out. Each leaf (200 of them) had to be put on separately. The whole thing took about 4 hours to do and it is definitely a two person project. Luckily my husband was home and his artistic eye helped to place each leaf strategically on the branches.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Homemade Clock

I needed a weekend project and decided that because of my love for clocks, I would experiment with making my own. I bought a decorative piece of wood and painted the whole thing gray. I then taped off stripes with painters tape and painted the stripes turquoise. I also did an orange edging. I bought the equipment for the clock and black hands so they show up better. Thanks to my husbands nice handwriting, we used a black sharpie to write the numbers and add the dots. 

This will go in the guest room (aka Gersh's Room)!

Boot Cuffs

My sister-in-law requested that I make her boot cuffs. I had no idea what she was talking about so she sent me a picture. Basically they are just for show and they should go inside your boot and stick out about an inch or so. They do not need to be long like a leg warmer because no one can see that part and it creates too much bunching.

I could not find a pattern for these cuffs so I tried to make one up. After many attempts and too many trips to the post office, sending each trial pair to Tennessee, we FINALLY figured it out. The tricky part was, they needed to lay flat enough that there would be room inside the boot. I had to use very thin yarn and did a ribbing pattern so that the cute part would be showing. I have made brown, gray, and black so far. 

My friend Holly modeling a gray pair of boot cuffs.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


I love wreathes. I like to have one for every season. Our front door is black to it is easy to work with.

I recently made a spring wreath out of tulips. I alternated light and dark pink and added the green leaves in between. I used a brown vine wreath as the base. I didn't need any hot glue for this,  simply weave the stems in and out of the vines. 

I love using hydrangea in wreaths because they have such nice size so you don't spend a fortune on the flowers. I made a pink and white summer wreath. 

My fall wreath is made out of orange, brown and green hydrangea.  I painted a wooden R orange and  attached it with wire.